Dr Jaimee Stuart

Outgoing Treasurer

Jaimee Stuart is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Applied Psychology at Griffith University and a Senior Research Fellow in the Menzies Health Institute Queensland. Her research focuses on positive development for young people with a focus on the interrelationships between cultural and cyber psychologies. Dr Stuart is particularly interested in understanding patterns of risk and resilience on and offline for those who are minorities (ethnic, religious, gender and sexual orientation) as well as youth who experience inflated risk factors (e.g., exposure to violence, low socio-economic status, displacement). Her research on youth and technology examines cyberaggression and victimisation, parental internet supervision, online disinhibition, social media use, and self-presentation. Jaimee is the current Treasurer of the Australasian Human Development Association and has been affiliated for the past 7 years. She was Chair and co-convenor of the 2015 bienniel conference “Growing Healthy Children Young People and Families” held in Wellington, New Zealand.