Jacki Henderson
New Zealand Regional Representative
(University of Canterbury, South Island)
I am a Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology, in the School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing at University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. My journey with developmental psychology began when I was working as an RA on a sleep project where I fell “head first” into the field of developmental and behavioural sleep research, and I even changed my PhD topic so I could test a model of the processes involved in the development of infant sleep disturbance. I have an interest in high risk populations, and have run clinical trials comparing the efficacy of different sleep management programmes. I have recently completed a longitudinal follow-up investigating the neurodevelopmental outcomes of children at 9.5 years who born to mothers with an Opioid use disorder, and my most recent project involves a longitudinal study into the sleep, and parenting stress of children who have experienced a traumatic brain injury. I have had the good fortune to have been a member of the society for nearly a decade, and I am really excited to be a regional rep with a really hardworking and dedicated executive who are doing an amazing job reinvigorating ADHA.