AHDA 2024 Conference

21 to 22 November – Brisbane, Australia

Presentation Types

For the 2024 Conference, we will accept the following submission types: 

Individual presentations 

  • Short talk: 5 mins talk + 5 mins discussion 

  • Standard talk: 12 mins talk + 8 mins discussion 

Group presentations (approx. 1 hour) 

  • Traditional research symposium: 3 or 4 thematically-related talks 

  • Creative research symposium: debate, panel discussion, workshop, forum or other creative format

Individual presentation abstract submissions 

This year, individual presentations will take two forms: either a standard talk or a short talk. The short talk provides an alternative to a poster presentation, which is not available as a submission option this year due to the environmental implications of printing and transporting posters. This is consistent with our commitment to the objectives of the Developmental Scientists for Climate Action organisation. Individual presentation submissions require a title, maximum 300-word abstract, 3 keywords, presenter name and email, and any additional author information. Abstracts should include a) research background and aims, b) participants and methods, c) results and d) conclusions and implications. 

Group presentation abstract submissions 

This year, group presentations will take two forms: either a traditional research symposium or a creative research symposium. Both types of group presentations will be allocated approximately a 1-hour session. A traditional symposium will involve 3-4 talks on a common research theme. A chair should be nominated, but there does not need to be a discussant. Submissions require a title, one overall 500-word abstract (maximum), 3 keywords, chair name and email, contributing presenters' names and emails, and any additional author information. Abstracts should provide an overall, integrated summary of the session that includes a) topic background and session objectives, b) brief and integrated description of each paper, and c) overall implications of the research.  

A creative symposium can take any group presentation form that encourages discussion, debate and sharing of new knowledge and ideas about research in developmental science. These submissions require a title, one overall 500-word abstract (maximum), 3 keywords, chair name and email, contributing presenters' names and emails, and any additional author information. Abstracts should indicate the format the session will take and include

a) topic background and session objectives;

b) brief and integrated description of each contribution or segment in the session, and

c) overall implications of the symposium. 

Due date for submissions is 12th July. Acceptance notifications will be sent by 30th August.